Opening for Postdoctoral Researcher
There is an opening in my research group for a postdoctoral researcher in Uncertainty Quantification, for the period 01.01.2019 to 31.12.2020. The position will be associated to the research project TrU-2 “Demand modelling and control for e-commerce using RKHS transfer operator approaches” within the Berlin Mathematics Excellence Cluster MATH+; the project will be led by Stefan Klus and myself. Strong candidates with backgrounds in mathematics, statistics, or computational science are encouraged to apply. For details see the website of the Zuse Institute Berlin, reference number WA57/18. Informal enquiries may be directed to Stefan Klus or to me, and formal applications should be sent to jobs@zib.de by 13.12.2018.
Published on Friday 23 November 2018 at 12:34 UTC #group #job #tru2 #mathplus #klus