Tim Sullivan

Online Probabilistic Numerics Minisymposia

Like many international conferences, the SIAM Conference on Uncertainty Quantification planned for 24–27 March 2020 had to be postponed indefinitely in view of the Covid-19 pandemic. Undeterred by this, the speakers of four minisymposia on the theme of Probabilistic Numerical Methods have generously taken the time to adapt their talks for a new medium and record them for general distribution. The talks can be found at http://probabilistic-numerics.org/meetings/SIAMUQ2020/.

We hope that these talks will be of general interest. Furthermore, the speakers have declared themselves ready to answer questions in written form. If you would like to ask any questions or contribute to the discussion, then please submit your question via this form by 10 May 2020.

Organised jointly by Alex Diaz, Alex Geßner, Philipp Hennig, Toni Karvonen, Chris Oates, and myself

Published on Friday 24 April 2020 at 10:00 UTC #event #siam #prob-num #diaz #gessner #hennig #karvonen #oates