Tim Sullivan

Conferences, Talks, and Other Academic Gatherings

118. 🇬🇧 21 November 2024: Next-Generational Extrapolation Methods, Newcastle University, UK. Invited speaker.
117. 🇬🇧 5–9 August 2024: Machine Learning in Infinite Dimensions, University of Bath, UK. Participant.
116. 🇬🇧 15–17 July 2024: Prob Num 2024, London, UK. Co-organiser with J. Cockayne, I. C. F. Ipsen, P. Hennig, and C. J. Oates.
115. 🇬🇧 21–22 May 2024: Mathematical Theory of Radiation Transport, Culham Science Centre, UK. Participant.
114. 🇬🇧 30 November 2023: Southamton Statistical Sciences Research Institute Seminar, University of Southampton, UK. Invited speaker.
113. 🇬🇧 10 November 2023: Recent Advances in Inverse Problems and Imaging, University of Birmingham, UK. Invited speaker.
112. 🇬🇧 10 August 2023: Probabilistic Solutions to Deterministic Problems, Bayes Centre, Edinburgh, UK. Invited speaker.
111. 🇨🇭 26–30 June 2023: Lifting Inference with Kernel Embeddings (LIKE23), Bern, Switzerland. Invited speaker.  Slides
110. 🇬🇧 9–12 May 2023: Mathematical Foundations for Data-driven Engineering, ICMS, Bayes Centre, Edinburgh, UK. Invited speaker.
109. 🇬🇧 28–30 March 2023: Modelling, Analysis and Inference for Digital Twins, Alan Turing Institute, London, UK. Participant.
108. 🇩🇪 27–29 March 2023: ProbNum Spring School 2003, Tübingen, Germany. Invited keynote speaker.
107. 🇫🇷 22 November 2022: Séminaire du Pôle Analyse, École Polytechnique, Paris, France. Invited speaker.
106. 🇬🇧 12–15 September 2022: Gaussian Process Summer School and Workshop, University of Sheffield, UK. Invited speaker.
105. 🇬🇧 12 September 2022: Gatsby Computational Neuroscience Unit, University College London, UK. Invited Speaker.
104. 🇬🇧 25–26 May 2022: Mathematics Colloquium / IAS Workshop on Data and Dynamics, University of Surrey, UK. Invited speaker.  Slides
103. 🇬🇧 6 May 2022: Numerical Analysis and Scientific Computing Seminar, University of Manchester, UK. Invited speaker.
102. 🇬🇧 27 April 2022: MathSys CDT Retreat, Moira, UK. Invited speaker.
101. 🇺🇸 12–15 April 2022: SIAM Conference on Uncertainty Quantification, Atlanta, Georgia, USA. Participant.
100. 🇦🇹 4–8 April 2022: Adaptivity, High Dimensionality and Randomness, Erwin Schrödinger Institute for Mathematics and Physics, Vienna, Austria. Invited participant.
99. 🇬🇧 28–29 March 2022: Probabilistic Approaches to Numerical Computation (Prob Num 2022), London, UK. Co-organiser with C. J. Oates.
98. 🇩🇪 24–29 October 2021: Probabilistic Numerical Methods — From Theory to Implementation, Schloss Dagstuhl, Germany. Co-organiser with P. Hennig, I. Ipsen, and M. Mahsereci.
97. 🇬🇧 22 January 2021: Mathematics Colloquium, University of Warwick, UK. Invited speaker.  Slides
96. 🇩🇪 24–27 March 2020: SIAM Conference on Uncertainty Quantification, TU Munich, Germany. Co-organiser with A. Geßner of the minisymposium “Probabilistic Numerical Methods: Opportunities and Challenges”.
95. 🇩🇪 5 February 2020: Mathematical Statistics Research Seminar, Weierstrass Institute for Applied Analysis and Stochastics, Berlin, Germany. Invited speaker.  Slides
94. 🇺🇸 29 January 2020: Neyman Statistics Seminar, UC Berkeley, California, USA. Invited speaker.
93. 🇩🇪 6–8 November 2019: MATH+ Retreat “Machine Learning Methods in Applied Mathematics”, Zeuthen, Germany. Speaker.
92. 🇬🇧 30 October 2019: Applied and Computational Mathematics Seminar, University of Edinburgh, UK. Invited speaker.  Slides
91. 🇩🇪 23–27 September 2019: Bayesian inverse problems in function spaces: Theory and Computation, IGDK-1754 Compact Course, TU Munich, Germany. Invited guest lecturer.
90. 🇩🇪 10 July 2019: Dresdner Mathematisches Seminar, TU Dresden, Germany. Invited speaker.  Slides
89. 🇩🇪 1–5 July 2019: Uncertainty Quantification, Machine Learning and Bayesian Statistics in Scientific Computing, Heidelberg University, Germany. Invited speaker.
88. 🇨🇭 26 March–3 April 2019: Predictive multiscale modelling — from homogenization theory to data-driven coarse graining (CIB Semester Programme M³+C³: Multiscale Mathematical Modelling and Coarse-Grain Computational Chemistry), Bernoulli Center and Centre Européen de Calcul Atomique et Moléculaire, EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland. Co-organiser with C. Hartmann, F. Nobile, and F. Pinski.
87. 🇩🇪 10–16 March 2019: Uncertainty Quantification, Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach, Germany. Co-organiser with O. Ernst, F. Nobile, and C. Schillings.
86. 🇦🇹 18–22 February 2019: 90th GAMM Annual Meeting, Vienna, Austria. Speaker.
85. 🇬🇧 23 November 2018: LMS Inverse Day, Bayes Centre, University of Edinburgh, UK. Invited speaker.
84. 🇩🇪 21 November 2018: Stochastisches Kolloquium, University of Göttingen, Germany. Invited speaker.
83. 🇩🇪 7–9 November 2018: ECMath Retreat “Deep Learning Meets Mathematical Research”, Potsdam, Germany. Invited participant.
82. 🇩🇪 12 October 2018: Bayes Forum, Max Planck Institute for Astrophysics, Garching, Germany. Invited speaker.
81. 🇫🇮 22–24 August 2018: Summer School / Workshop on Computational Mathematics and Data Science, University of Oulu, Finland. Invited lecturer.
80. 🇺🇸 7–9 May 2018: QMC Transition Workshop, SAMSI, North Carolina, USA. Invited speaker and co-leader with C. Oates of Working Group II: Probabilistic Numerics.  Slides
79. 🇺🇸 16–19 April 2018: SIAM Conference on Uncertainty Quantification, Garden Grove, California, USA. Co-organiser with M. Girolami, P. Hennig, and C. Oates of the minisymposium “Probabilistic numerical methods for quantification of discretisation error”.
78. 🇬🇧 11–13 April 2018: SAMSI Workshop on Probabilistic Numerical Methods, The Alan Turing Institute, London, UK. Co-organiser with C. Oates.
77. 🇬🇧 9–10 April 2018: UQ for Inverse Problems in Complex Systems, Isaac Newton Institute, Cambridge, UK. Invited speaker.
76. 🇩🇪 19–23 March 2018: 89th GAMM Annual Meeting, Munich, Germany. Co-organiser with C. Schillings of Section S15 “Uncertainty Quantification”.
75. 🇩🇪 12–14 March 2018: 3rd GAMM AGUQ Workshop on Uncertainty Quantification, TU Dortmund, Germany. Invited keynote speaker.
74. 🇩🇪 8 December 2017: SFB 1294 Colloquium, University of Potsdam, Germany. Invited speaker.  Slides
73. 🇺🇸 13–17 November 2017: Uncertainty Quantification for Stochastic Systems and Applications, IPAM, UCLA, California, USA. Invited speaker.
72. 🇺🇸 28 August–1 September 2017: Opening Workshop of the SAMSI Program on Quasi-Monte Carlo and High-Dimensional Sampling Methods for Applied Mathematics, SAMSI, North Carolina, USA. Participant and speaker.
71. 🇺🇸 1 August 2017–31 May 2018: Program on Quasi-Monte Carlo and High-Dimensional Sampling Methods for Applied Mathematics, SAMSI, North Carolina, USA. Co-leader with C. Oates of the SAMSI Working Group on Probabilistic Numerics.
70. 🇺🇸 5–9 June 2017: Probabilistic Scientific Computing: Statistical inference approaches to numerical analysis and algorithm design, ICERM, Brown University, Rhode Island, USA. Invited speaker.  Slides
69. 🇩🇪 31 May 2017: SFB 805 Colloquium, TU Darmstadt, Germany. Invited speaker.  Slides
68. 🇩🇪 29–30 May 2017: Visualisation and Uncertainty in Patient-Specific Whole-Heart Modelling, Berlin, Germany. Co-organiser with S. Niederer.
67. 🇩🇪 18–21 May 2017: 10th Sino-German Frontiers of Science Symposium, Potsdam, Germany. Invited speaker.
66. 🇬🇧 10–12 May 2017: Partial Differential Equations for Large Data, University of Warwick, UK. Participant.
65. 🇩🇪 4 May 2017: Mathematics Colloquium, TU Chemnitz, Germany. Invited speaker.
64. 🇬🇧 5 April 2017: Applied and Computational Mathematics Seminar, University of Edinburgh, UK. Invited speaker.  Slides
63. 🇩🇪 27–29 March 2017: Scaling Cascades in Complex Systems 2017, Berlin, Germany. Invited speaker at the minisymposium “Information-theoretical methods for complex systems” and co-organiser of the minisymposium “Practical approximations for Monte Carlo simulations of complex systems”.
62. 🇩🇪 6–10 March 2017: 88th GAMM Annual Meeting, Weimar, Germany. Invited speaker at the minisymposium “Computational Techniques for Bayesian Inverse Problems”.
61. 🇩🇪 17 January 2017: Joint Research Seminar on Mathematical Optimization / Non-smooth Variational Problems and Operator Equations, Weierstrass Institute for Applied Analysis and Stochastics, Berlin, Germany. Invited speaker.
60. 🇩🇪 22 November 2016: CSC Seminar, Max Planck Institute for the Dynamics of Complex Technical Systems, Magdeburg, Germany. Invited speaker.  Slides
59. 🇬🇧 12–15 September 2016: Gaussian Process and Uncertainty Quantification Summer School, University of Sheffield, UK. Invited lecturer.
58. 🇺🇸 5 September 2016: ICES Seminar, ICES, University of Texas at Austin, Texas, USA. Invited speaker.
57. 🇺🇸 14–19 August 2016: 12th International Conference on Monte Carlo and Quasi-Monte Carlo Methods in Scientific Computing, Stanford University, Palo Alto, California, USA. Participant.
56. 🇫🇷 6–10 June 2016: ETICS Research School on Uncertainty in Scientific Computing, Centre de Séminaire Séolane, Barcelonnette, France. Invited lecturer.
55. 🇨🇭 5–8 April 2016: SIAM Conference on Uncertainty Quantification, Lausanne, Switzerland. Speaker at and co-organiser with M. Girolami of minisymposium “Over-Confidence in Numerical Predictions: Challenges and Solutions”.
54. 🇬🇧 22–24 February 2016: Data Assimilation and Inverse Problems, University of Warwick, UK. Invited speaker.
53. 🇩🇪 11 January 2016: Intelligent Systems Colloquium, Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems, Tübingen, Germany. Invited speaker.
52. 🇬🇧 17 December 2015: An Uncertain King's College London Cardiac Modelling Workshop, St. Thomas' Hospital, London, UK. Invited speaker.
51. 🇩🇪 24 November 2015: Joint Analysis Seminar, RWTH Aachen University, Germany. Invited speaker.
50. 🇬🇧 19–20 November 2015: Scoping Workshop on Probabilistic Numerics, Alan Turing Institute, London, UK. Invited speaker.
49. 🇩🇪 5 June 2015: ECMath Colloquium, Berlin, Germany. Invited speaker.
48. 🇬🇧 15 January 2015: Warwick Centre for Predictive Modelling Seminar, University of Warwick, UK. Invited speaker.
47. 🇬🇧 26 November 2014: Probability, Stochastic Modelling and Financial Mathematics Seminar, University of Leeds, UK. Invited speaker.
46. 🇫🇷 17–20 November 2014: MoMaS Congress (Mathematical Modeling and Numerical Simulation for Nuclear Waste Repository Management), Marseille, France. Participant and invited speaker.
45. 🇺🇸 5 June 2014: Statistics Department Seminar, UC Berkeley, California, USA. Invited speaker.
44. 🇺🇸 2–4 June 2014: Short Course on Uncertainty Quantification and PSAAP V&V/UQ Workshop, Stanford University, Palo Alto, California, USA. Participant and invited speaker.
43. 🇬🇧 19–21 May 2014: Spatial Statistics and Uncertainty Quantification on Supercomputers, University of Bath, UK. Participant and invited speaker.
42. 🇺🇸 31 March–3 April 2014: SIAM Conference on Uncertainty Quantification, Savannah, Georgia, USA. Participant and minisymposium speaker.
41. 🇺🇸 24 March 2014: Applied Mathematics & Statistics Colloquium, Colorado School of Mines, Golden, Colorado, USA. Invited speaker.
40. 🇺🇸 11–13 September 2013: ASME/FDA Conference on Frontiers in Medical Devices, Washington, D.C., USA. Participant and invited speaker.
39. 🇺🇸 14–15 August 2013: Advanced Analysis of X-Ray and Neutron Scattering Data: Getting from Data to Science, Brookhaven National Laboratory, New York, USA. Participant and invited speaker.
38. 🇺🇸 9–12 June 2013: SIAM Conference on Mathematical Aspects of Materials Science, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA. Participant.
37. 🇬🇧 5 June 2013: Using Real-Life Extended Mathematical Problems with Undergraduates: A Hands-on Experience, University of Bath, UK. Workshop participant.
36. 🇬🇧 27 March 2013: Stochastic and Statistical Models at the Interface of Modern Industry and the Mathematical Sciences, Isaac Newton Institute, Cambridge, UK. Participant and speaker.  Slides
35. 🇺🇸 8–10 August 2012: PSAAP V&V/UQ Workshop, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA. Participant and speaker.
34. 🇺🇸 1–5 April 2012: SIAM Conference on Uncertainty Quantification, Raleigh, North Carolina, USA. Participant and minisymposium speaker.
33. 🇺🇸 27 January 2012: Third Annual Caltech Solid Mechanics Symposium, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, California, USA. Member of the organizing committee.
32. 🇩🇪 22–28 January 2012: Interplay of Analysis and Probability in Physics, Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach, Germany. Invited participant and speaker, supported by the US Junior Oberwolfach Fellows project (NSF Grant 0540019).  Slides
31. 🇬🇧 12–16 December 2011: EPSRC Symposium on Probability, Workshop on Multiscale Systems: Theory and Applications, Mathematics Institute, University of Warwick, UK. Invited speaker.
30. 🇺🇸 8 December 2011: Applied Physics and Applied Mathematics Colloquium, Columbia University, New York City, New York, USA. Invited speaker.
29. 🇺🇸 13–16 November 2011: INFORMS Annual Meeting, Decision Support Models and Sensitivity Analysis, Charlotte, North Carolina, USA. Invited minisymposium speaker.  Slides
28. 🇺🇸 16–18 August 2011: PSAAP V&V/UQ Workshop, Stanford University, Palo Alto, California, USA. Participant and speaker.
27. 🇺🇸 10–14 July 2011: SciDAC Annual Meeting, Denver, Colorado, USA. Panel speaker.  Slides
26. 🇩🇪 12–18 June 2011: Spectral Methods of Uncertainty Quantification, Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach, Germany. Invited participant.
25. 🇬🇧 18 March 2011: Applied Mathematics and Statistics Seminar, Mathematics Institute, University of Warwick, UK. Invited speaker.
24. 🇬🇧 17 March 2011: Applied Mathematics Reading Group, Department of Mathematical Sciences, University of Bath, UK. Invited speaker.
23. 🇺🇸 21 February 2011: CSRI Uncertainty Quantification, Verification & Validation Seminar, Sandia National Laboratories, Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA. Invited speaker.
22. 🇺🇸 19 January 2011: Second Annual Caltech Solid Mechanics Symposium, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, California, USA. Invited contributing speaker.
21. 🇨🇦 12–18 November 2010: ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition, Symposium on Uncertainty Quantification in Multiscale Multiphysics Simulations, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. Participant and symposium speaker.
20. 🇨🇦 29 August–3 September 2010: Rate-Independent Systems: Modeling, Analysis, and Computations, Banff International Research Station, Banff, Alberta, Canada. Invited participant and contributing speaker.
19. 🇮🇹 19–22 July 2010: 6th International Conference on Sensitivity Analysis of Model Output, Bocconi University, Milan, Italy. Participant and contributing speaker.
18. 🇺🇸 12–16 July 2010: SIAM Annual Meeting, Minisymposium on Numerical Methods for Stochastic Computation and Uncertainty Quantification, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA. Participant and minisymposium speaker.
17. 🇺🇸 7–9 July 2010: PSAAP V&V/UQ Workshop, University of Texas at Austin, Austin, Texas, USA. Participant and panel speaker.
16. 🇩🇪 14–20 March 2010: Microstructures in Solids: From Quantum Models to Continua, Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach, Germany. Invited participant and contributing speaker, supported by the Oberwolfach Leibniz Graduate Students programme.  Slides
15. 🇺🇸 8–11 February 2010: Advanced Simulation and Computing Principal Investigators Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA. Participant.
14. 🇺🇸 18–19 November 2009: Sensitivity Analysis and Uncertainty Quantification Workshop, Part of Los Alamos National Laboratory's ASC Verification & Validation Program, Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA. Participant.
13. 🇺🇸 27–29 August 2009: Workshop on Energy-Driven Systems, Center for Nonlinear Analysis, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA. Participant and contributing speaker.
12. 🇺🇸 28–30 July 2009: PSAAP V&V/UQ Workshop, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, California, USA. Participant.
11. 🇬🇧 4 February 2009: Warwick Mathematics Institute Postgraduate Open Day, University of Warwick, UK. Invited contributing speaker.
10. 🇬🇧 7–11 July 2008: LMS–EPSRC Short Course on Stochastic Partial Differential Equations, Imperial College, London, UK. Participant.
9. 🇬🇧 1 October 2007–30 September 2008: Warwick Mathematics Institute Postgraduate Seminar, Mathematics Institute, University of Warwick, Coventry, UK. Organiser.
8. 🇬🇧 17–18 September 2007: Microscopic Models of Plastic Evolution, University of Warwick, UK. Co-organizer (with F. Theil) and speaker.
7. 🇺🇸 30 April–1 May 2007: Third Annual Structured Integrators Workshop, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, California, USA. Invited participant and contributing speaker.
6. 🇺🇸 16 March–5 May 2007: Graduate Aeronautical Laboratories, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, California, USA. Visiting student researcher and invited speaker, guest of Prof. Michael Ortiz, supported by the University of Warwick Research Development Fund.
5. 🇩🇪 25 February–2 March 2007: Analysis and Numerics for Rate-Independent Processes, Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach, Germany. Invited participant and contributing speaker.  Slides
4. 🇩🇪 19–20 January 2007: Opening Colloquium, Hausdorff Centre for Mathematics, Bonn, Germany. Invited participant from the University of Warwick.
3. 🇨🇿 11–23 September 2006: Fifth Prague Summer School: Mathematical Statistical Mechanics, Center for Theoretical Study, Charles University, Prague, Czechia. Participant and contributing speaker.
2. 🇬🇧 21 October 2005: Analysis/PDE Working Group Seminar, Imperial College, London, UK. Invited speaker.
1. 🇵🇱 19–25 July 2002: Ninth International Mathematics Competition for University Students, University of Warsaw, Poland. Competitor, representing the University of Warwick.