118. |
🇬🇧 |
21 November 2024:
Next-Generational Extrapolation Methods,
Newcastle University, UK.
Invited speaker. |
117. |
🇬🇧 |
5–9 August 2024:
Machine Learning in Infinite Dimensions,
University of Bath, UK.
Participant. |
116. |
🇬🇧 |
15–17 July 2024:
Prob Num 2024,
London, UK.
Co-organiser with J. Cockayne, I. C. F. Ipsen, P. Hennig, and C. J. Oates. |
115. |
🇬🇧 |
21–22 May 2024:
Mathematical Theory of Radiation Transport,
Culham Science Centre, UK.
Participant. |
114. |
🇬🇧 |
30 November 2023:
Southamton Statistical Sciences Research Institute Seminar,
University of Southampton, UK.
Invited speaker. |
113. |
🇬🇧 |
10 November 2023:
Recent Advances in Inverse Problems and Imaging,
University of Birmingham, UK.
Invited speaker. |
112. |
🇬🇧 |
10 August 2023:
Probabilistic Solutions to Deterministic Problems,
Bayes Centre, Edinburgh, UK.
Invited speaker. |
111. |
26–30 June 2023:
Lifting Inference with Kernel Embeddings (LIKE23),
Bern, Switzerland.
Invited speaker.
Slides |
110. |
🇬🇧 |
9–12 May 2023:
Mathematical Foundations for Data-driven Engineering,
ICMS, Bayes Centre, Edinburgh, UK.
Invited speaker. |
109. |
🇬🇧 |
28–30 March 2023:
Modelling, Analysis and Inference for Digital Twins,
Alan Turing Institute, London, UK.
Participant. |
108. |
🇩🇪 |
27–29 March 2023:
ProbNum Spring School 2003,
Tübingen, Germany.
Invited keynote speaker. |
107. |
🇫🇷 |
22 November 2022:
Séminaire du Pôle Analyse,
École Polytechnique, Paris, France.
Invited speaker. |
106. |
🇬🇧 |
12–15 September 2022:
Gaussian Process Summer School and Workshop,
University of Sheffield, UK.
Invited speaker. |
105. |
🇬🇧 |
12 September 2022:
Gatsby Computational Neuroscience Unit,
University College London, UK.
Invited Speaker. |
104. |
🇬🇧 |
25–26 May 2022:
Mathematics Colloquium / IAS Workshop on Data and Dynamics,
University of Surrey, UK.
Invited speaker.
Slides |
103. |
🇬🇧 |
6 May 2022:
Numerical Analysis and Scientific Computing Seminar,
University of Manchester, UK.
Invited speaker. |
102. |
🇬🇧 |
27 April 2022:
MathSys CDT Retreat,
Moira, UK.
Invited speaker. |
101. |
🇺🇸 |
12–15 April 2022:
SIAM Conference on Uncertainty Quantification,
Atlanta, Georgia, USA.
Participant. |
100. |
🇦🇹 |
4–8 April 2022:
Adaptivity, High Dimensionality and Randomness,
Erwin Schrödinger Institute for Mathematics and Physics, Vienna, Austria.
Invited participant. |
99. |
🇬🇧 |
28–29 March 2022:
Probabilistic Approaches to Numerical Computation (Prob Num 2022),
London, UK.
Co-organiser with C. J. Oates. |
98. |
🇩🇪 |
24–29 October 2021:
Probabilistic Numerical Methods — From Theory to Implementation,
Schloss Dagstuhl, Germany.
Co-organiser with P. Hennig, I. Ipsen, and M. Mahsereci. |
97. |
🇬🇧 |
22 January 2021:
Mathematics Colloquium,
University of Warwick, UK.
Invited speaker.
Slides |
96. |
🇩🇪 |
24–27 March 2020:
SIAM Conference on Uncertainty Quantification,
TU Munich, Germany.
Co-organiser with A. Geßner of the minisymposium “Probabilistic Numerical Methods: Opportunities and Challenges”. |
95. |
🇩🇪 |
5 February 2020:
Mathematical Statistics Research Seminar,
Weierstrass Institute
for Applied Analysis and Stochastics, Berlin, Germany.
Invited speaker.
Slides |
94. |
🇺🇸 |
29 January 2020:
Neyman Statistics Seminar,
UC Berkeley, California, USA.
Invited speaker. |
93. |
🇩🇪 |
6–8 November 2019:
MATH+ Retreat “Machine Learning Methods in Applied Mathematics”,
Zeuthen, Germany.
Speaker. |
92. |
🇬🇧 |
30 October 2019:
Applied and Computational Mathematics Seminar,
University of Edinburgh, UK.
Invited speaker.
Slides |
91. |
🇩🇪 |
23–27 September 2019:
Bayesian inverse problems in function spaces: Theory and Computation,
IGDK-1754 Compact Course, TU Munich, Germany.
Invited guest lecturer. |
90. |
🇩🇪 |
10 July 2019:
Dresdner Mathematisches Seminar,
TU Dresden, Germany.
Invited speaker.
Slides |
89. |
🇩🇪 |
1–5 July 2019:
Uncertainty Quantification, Machine Learning and Bayesian Statistics in Scientific Computing,
Heidelberg University, Germany.
Invited speaker. |
88. |
26 March–3 April 2019:
Predictive multiscale modelling — from homogenization theory to data-driven coarse graining (CIB Semester Programme M³+C³: Multiscale Mathematical Modelling and Coarse-Grain Computational Chemistry),
Bernoulli Center and Centre Européen de Calcul Atomique et Moléculaire, EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland.
Co-organiser with C. Hartmann, F. Nobile, and F. Pinski. |
87. |
🇩🇪 |
10–16 March 2019:
Uncertainty Quantification,
Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach, Germany.
Co-organiser with O. Ernst, F. Nobile, and C. Schillings. |
86. |
🇦🇹 |
18–22 February 2019:
90th GAMM Annual Meeting,
Vienna, Austria.
Speaker. |
85. |
🇬🇧 |
23 November 2018:
LMS Inverse Day,
Bayes Centre, University of Edinburgh, UK.
Invited speaker. |
84. |
🇩🇪 |
21 November 2018:
Stochastisches Kolloquium,
University of Göttingen, Germany.
Invited speaker. |
83. |
🇩🇪 |
7–9 November 2018:
ECMath Retreat “Deep Learning Meets Mathematical Research”,
Potsdam, Germany.
Invited participant. |
82. |
🇩🇪 |
12 October 2018:
Bayes Forum,
Max Planck Institute for Astrophysics, Garching, Germany.
Invited speaker. |
81. |
🇫🇮 |
22–24 August 2018:
Summer School / Workshop on Computational Mathematics and Data Science,
University of Oulu, Finland.
Invited lecturer. |
80. |
🇺🇸 |
7–9 May 2018:
QMC Transition Workshop,
SAMSI, North Carolina, USA.
Invited speaker and co-leader with C. Oates of Working Group II: Probabilistic Numerics.
Slides |
79. |
🇺🇸 |
16–19 April 2018:
SIAM Conference on Uncertainty Quantification,
Garden Grove, California, USA.
Co-organiser with M. Girolami, P. Hennig, and C. Oates of the minisymposium “Probabilistic numerical methods for quantification of discretisation error”. |
78. |
🇬🇧 |
11–13 April 2018:
SAMSI Workshop on Probabilistic Numerical Methods,
The Alan Turing Institute, London, UK.
Co-organiser with C. Oates. |
77. |
🇬🇧 |
9–10 April 2018:
UQ for Inverse Problems in Complex Systems,
Isaac Newton Institute, Cambridge, UK.
Invited speaker. |
76. |
🇩🇪 |
19–23 March 2018:
89th GAMM Annual Meeting,
Munich, Germany.
Co-organiser with C. Schillings of Section S15 “Uncertainty Quantification”. |
75. |
🇩🇪 |
12–14 March 2018:
3rd GAMM AGUQ Workshop on Uncertainty Quantification,
TU Dortmund, Germany.
Invited keynote speaker. |
74. |
🇩🇪 |
8 December 2017:
SFB 1294 Colloquium,
University of Potsdam, Germany.
Invited speaker.
Slides |
73. |
🇺🇸 |
13–17 November 2017:
Uncertainty Quantification for Stochastic Systems and Applications,
IPAM, UCLA, California, USA.
Invited speaker. |
72. |
🇺🇸 |
28 August–1 September 2017:
Opening Workshop of the SAMSI Program on Quasi-Monte Carlo and High-Dimensional Sampling Methods for Applied Mathematics,
SAMSI, North Carolina, USA.
Participant and speaker. |
71. |
🇺🇸 |
1 August 2017–31 May 2018:
Program on Quasi-Monte Carlo and High-Dimensional Sampling Methods for Applied Mathematics,
SAMSI, North Carolina, USA.
Co-leader with C. Oates of the SAMSI Working Group on Probabilistic Numerics. |
70. |
🇺🇸 |
5–9 June 2017:
Probabilistic Scientific Computing: Statistical inference approaches to numerical analysis and algorithm design,
ICERM, Brown University, Rhode Island, USA.
Invited speaker.
Slides |
69. |
🇩🇪 |
31 May 2017:
SFB 805 Colloquium,
TU Darmstadt, Germany.
Invited speaker.
Slides |
68. |
🇩🇪 |
29–30 May 2017:
Visualisation and Uncertainty in Patient-Specific Whole-Heart Modelling,
Berlin, Germany.
Co-organiser with S. Niederer. |
67. |
🇩🇪 |
18–21 May 2017:
10th Sino-German Frontiers of Science Symposium,
Potsdam, Germany.
Invited speaker. |
66. |
🇬🇧 |
10–12 May 2017:
Partial Differential Equations for Large Data,
University of Warwick, UK.
Participant. |
65. |
🇩🇪 |
4 May 2017:
Mathematics Colloquium,
TU Chemnitz, Germany.
Invited speaker. |
64. |
🇬🇧 |
5 April 2017:
Applied and Computational Mathematics Seminar,
University of Edinburgh, UK.
Invited speaker.
Slides |
63. |
🇩🇪 |
27–29 March 2017:
Scaling Cascades in Complex Systems 2017,
Berlin, Germany.
Invited speaker at the minisymposium “Information-theoretical methods for complex systems” and co-organiser of the minisymposium “Practical approximations for Monte Carlo simulations of complex systems”. |
62. |
🇩🇪 |
6–10 March 2017:
88th GAMM Annual Meeting,
Weimar, Germany.
Invited speaker at the minisymposium “Computational Techniques for Bayesian Inverse Problems”. |
61. |
🇩🇪 |
17 January 2017:
Joint Research Seminar on Mathematical Optimization / Non-smooth Variational Problems and Operator Equations,
Weierstrass Institute for Applied Analysis and Stochastics, Berlin, Germany.
Invited speaker. |
60. |
🇩🇪 |
22 November 2016:
CSC Seminar,
Max Planck Institute for the Dynamics of Complex Technical Systems, Magdeburg, Germany.
Invited speaker.
Slides |
59. |
🇬🇧 |
12–15 September 2016:
Gaussian Process and Uncertainty Quantification Summer School,
University of Sheffield, UK.
Invited lecturer. |
58. |
🇺🇸 |
5 September 2016:
ICES Seminar,
ICES, University of Texas at Austin, Texas, USA.
Invited speaker. |
57. |
🇺🇸 |
14–19 August 2016:
12th International Conference on Monte Carlo and Quasi-Monte Carlo Methods in Scientific Computing,
Stanford University, Palo Alto, California, USA.
Participant. |
56. |
🇫🇷 |
6–10 June 2016:
ETICS Research School on Uncertainty in Scientific Computing,
Centre de Séminaire Séolane, Barcelonnette, France.
Invited lecturer. |
55. |
5–8 April 2016:
SIAM Conference on Uncertainty Quantification,
Lausanne, Switzerland.
Speaker at and co-organiser with M. Girolami of minisymposium “Over-Confidence in Numerical Predictions: Challenges and Solutions”. |
54. |
🇬🇧 |
22–24 February 2016:
Data Assimilation and Inverse Problems,
University of Warwick, UK.
Invited speaker. |
53. |
🇩🇪 |
11 January 2016:
Intelligent Systems Colloquium,
Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems, Tübingen, Germany.
Invited speaker. |
52. |
🇬🇧 |
17 December 2015:
An Uncertain King's College London Cardiac Modelling Workshop,
St. Thomas' Hospital, London, UK.
Invited speaker. |
51. |
🇩🇪 |
24 November 2015:
Joint Analysis Seminar,
RWTH Aachen University, Germany.
Invited speaker. |
50. |
🇬🇧 |
19–20 November 2015:
Scoping Workshop on Probabilistic Numerics,
Alan Turing Institute, London, UK.
Invited speaker. |
49. |
🇩🇪 |
5 June 2015:
ECMath Colloquium,
Berlin, Germany.
Invited speaker. |
48. |
🇬🇧 |
15 January 2015:
Warwick Centre for Predictive Modelling Seminar,
University of Warwick, UK.
Invited speaker. |
47. |
🇬🇧 |
26 November 2014:
Probability, Stochastic Modelling and Financial Mathematics Seminar,
University of Leeds, UK.
Invited speaker. |
46. |
🇫🇷 |
17–20 November 2014:
MoMaS Congress (Mathematical Modeling and Numerical Simulation for Nuclear Waste Repository Management),
Marseille, France.
Participant and invited speaker. |
45. |
🇺🇸 |
5 June 2014:
Statistics Department Seminar,
UC Berkeley, California, USA.
Invited speaker. |
44. |
🇺🇸 |
2–4 June 2014:
Short Course on Uncertainty Quantification and PSAAP V&V/UQ Workshop,
Stanford University, Palo Alto, California, USA.
Participant and invited speaker. |
43. |
🇬🇧 |
19–21 May 2014:
Spatial Statistics and Uncertainty Quantification on Supercomputers,
University of Bath, UK.
Participant and invited speaker. |
42. |
🇺🇸 |
31 March–3 April 2014:
SIAM Conference on Uncertainty Quantification,
Savannah, Georgia, USA.
Participant and minisymposium speaker. |
41. |
🇺🇸 |
24 March 2014:
Applied Mathematics & Statistics Colloquium,
Colorado School of Mines, Golden, Colorado, USA.
Invited speaker. |
40. |
🇺🇸 |
11–13 September 2013:
ASME/FDA Conference on Frontiers in Medical Devices,
Washington, D.C., USA.
Participant and invited speaker. |
39. |
🇺🇸 |
14–15 August 2013:
Advanced Analysis of X-Ray and Neutron Scattering Data: Getting from Data to Science,
Brookhaven National Laboratory, New York, USA.
Participant and invited speaker. |
38. |
🇺🇸 |
9–12 June 2013:
SIAM Conference on Mathematical Aspects of Materials Science,
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA.
Participant. |
37. |
🇬🇧 |
5 June 2013:
Using Real-Life Extended Mathematical Problems with Undergraduates: A Hands-on Experience,
University of Bath, UK.
Workshop participant. |
36. |
🇬🇧 |
27 March 2013:
Stochastic and Statistical Models at the Interface of Modern Industry and the Mathematical Sciences,
Isaac Newton Institute, Cambridge, UK.
Participant and speaker.
Slides |
35. |
🇺🇸 |
8–10 August 2012:
PSAAP V&V/UQ Workshop,
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA.
Participant and speaker. |
34. |
🇺🇸 |
1–5 April 2012:
SIAM Conference on Uncertainty Quantification,
Raleigh, North Carolina, USA.
Participant and minisymposium speaker. |
33. |
🇺🇸 |
27 January 2012:
Third Annual Caltech Solid Mechanics Symposium,
California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, California, USA.
Member of the organizing committee. |
32. |
🇩🇪 |
22–28 January 2012:
Interplay of Analysis and Probability in Physics,
Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach, Germany.
Invited participant and speaker, supported by the US Junior Oberwolfach Fellows project (NSF Grant 0540019).
Slides |
31. |
🇬🇧 |
12–16 December 2011:
EPSRC Symposium on Probability, Workshop on Multiscale Systems: Theory and Applications,
Mathematics Institute, University of Warwick, UK.
Invited speaker. |
30. |
🇺🇸 |
8 December 2011:
Applied Physics and Applied Mathematics Colloquium,
Columbia University, New York City, New York, USA.
Invited speaker. |
29. |
🇺🇸 |
13–16 November 2011:
INFORMS Annual Meeting, Decision Support Models and Sensitivity Analysis,
Charlotte, North Carolina, USA.
Invited minisymposium speaker.
Slides |
28. |
🇺🇸 |
16–18 August 2011:
PSAAP V&V/UQ Workshop,
Stanford University, Palo Alto, California, USA.
Participant and speaker. |
27. |
🇺🇸 |
10–14 July 2011:
SciDAC Annual Meeting,
Denver, Colorado, USA.
Panel speaker.
Slides |
26. |
🇩🇪 |
12–18 June 2011:
Spectral Methods of Uncertainty Quantification,
Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach, Germany.
Invited participant. |
25. |
🇬🇧 |
18 March 2011:
Applied Mathematics and Statistics Seminar,
Mathematics Institute, University of Warwick, UK.
Invited speaker. |
24. |
🇬🇧 |
17 March 2011:
Applied Mathematics Reading Group,
Department of Mathematical Sciences, University of Bath, UK.
Invited speaker. |
23. |
🇺🇸 |
21 February 2011:
CSRI Uncertainty Quantification, Verification & Validation Seminar,
Sandia National Laboratories, Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA.
Invited speaker. |
22. |
🇺🇸 |
19 January 2011:
Second Annual Caltech Solid Mechanics Symposium,
California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, California, USA.
Invited contributing speaker. |
21. |
🇨🇦 |
12–18 November 2010:
ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition, Symposium on Uncertainty Quantification in Multiscale Multiphysics Simulations,
Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.
Participant and symposium speaker. |
20. |
🇨🇦 |
29 August–3 September 2010:
Rate-Independent Systems: Modeling, Analysis, and Computations,
Banff International Research Station, Banff, Alberta, Canada.
Invited participant and contributing speaker. |
19. |
🇮🇹 |
19–22 July 2010:
6th International Conference on Sensitivity Analysis of Model Output,
Bocconi University, Milan, Italy.
Participant and contributing speaker. |
18. |
🇺🇸 |
12–16 July 2010:
SIAM Annual Meeting, Minisymposium on Numerical Methods for Stochastic Computation and Uncertainty Quantification,
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA.
Participant and minisymposium speaker. |
17. |
🇺🇸 |
7–9 July 2010:
PSAAP V&V/UQ Workshop,
University of Texas at Austin, Austin, Texas, USA.
Participant and panel speaker. |
16. |
🇩🇪 |
14–20 March 2010:
Microstructures in Solids: From Quantum Models to Continua,
Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach, Germany.
Invited participant and contributing speaker, supported by the Oberwolfach Leibniz Graduate Students programme.
Slides |
15. |
🇺🇸 |
8–11 February 2010:
Advanced Simulation and Computing Principal Investigators Meeting,
Las Vegas, Nevada, USA.
Participant. |
14. |
🇺🇸 |
18–19 November 2009:
Sensitivity Analysis and Uncertainty Quantification Workshop, Part of Los Alamos National Laboratory's ASC Verification & Validation Program,
Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA.
Participant. |
13. |
🇺🇸 |
27–29 August 2009:
Workshop on Energy-Driven Systems,
Center for Nonlinear Analysis, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA.
Participant and contributing speaker. |
12. |
🇺🇸 |
28–30 July 2009:
PSAAP V&V/UQ Workshop,
California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, California, USA.
Participant. |
11. |
🇬🇧 |
4 February 2009:
Warwick Mathematics Institute Postgraduate Open Day,
University of Warwick, UK.
Invited contributing speaker. |
10. |
🇬🇧 |
7–11 July 2008:
LMS–EPSRC Short Course on Stochastic Partial Differential Equations,
Imperial College, London, UK.
Participant. |
9. |
🇬🇧 |
1 October 2007–30 September 2008:
Warwick Mathematics Institute Postgraduate Seminar,
Mathematics Institute, University of Warwick, Coventry, UK.
Organiser. |
8. |
🇬🇧 |
17–18 September 2007:
Microscopic Models of Plastic Evolution,
University of Warwick, UK.
Co-organizer (with F. Theil) and speaker. |
7. |
🇺🇸 |
30 April–1 May 2007:
Third Annual Structured Integrators Workshop,
University of Southern California, Los Angeles, California, USA.
Invited participant and contributing speaker. |
6. |
🇺🇸 |
16 March–5 May 2007:
Graduate Aeronautical Laboratories,
California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, California, USA.
Visiting student researcher and invited speaker, guest of Prof. Michael Ortiz, supported by the University of Warwick Research Development Fund. |
5. |
🇩🇪 |
25 February–2 March 2007:
Analysis and Numerics for Rate-Independent Processes,
Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach, Germany.
Invited participant and contributing speaker.
Slides |
4. |
🇩🇪 |
19–20 January 2007:
Opening Colloquium,
Hausdorff Centre for Mathematics, Bonn, Germany.
Invited participant from the University of Warwick. |
3. |
🇨🇿 |
11–23 September 2006:
Fifth Prague Summer School: Mathematical Statistical Mechanics,
Center for Theoretical Study, Charles University, Prague, Czechia.
Participant and contributing speaker. |
2. |
🇬🇧 |
21 October 2005:
Analysis/PDE Working Group Seminar,
Imperial College, London, UK.
Invited speaker. |
1. |
🇵🇱 |
19–25 July 2002:
Ninth International Mathematics Competition for University Students,
University of Warsaw, Poland.
Competitor, representing the University of Warwick. |