
Postdoc position: Analysis of MAP estimators
There is still an opening for a full-time two-year postdoctoral research position in the UQ group at the Freie Universität Berlin. This position will be associated to the project “Analysis of maximum a posteriori estimators: Common convergence theories for Bayesian and variational inverse problems” funded by the DFG.
This project aims to advance the state of the art in rigorous mathematical understanding of MAP estimators in infinite-dimensional statistical inverse problems. In particular, the research in this project will connect the “small balls” approach of Dashti et al. (2013) to the calculus of variations and hence properly link the variational and fully Bayesian points of view on inverse problems. This is an exciting opportunity for someone well-versed in the calculus of variations and tools such as Γ-convergence to make an impact on fundamental questions of non-parametric statistics and inverse problems or, vice versa, for someone with a statistical inverse problems background to advance the rigorous state of the art for such methods.
Prospective candidates are encouraged to contact me with informal enquiries. Formal applications are to be sent by post or email, by 23 December 2019, under the heading MAP-Analysis, and should include a cover letter, a scientific CV including list of publications and research statement, and the contact details of two professional references.
Published on Monday 25 November 2019 at 08:00 UTC #group #job #fu-berlin #inverse-problems #dfg #map-estimators

Workshop on Visualisation and Uncertainty in Cardiac Modelling
Next week, Steven Niederer (King's College London) and I will host a two-day workshop at the Zuse Institute Berlin on Visualisation and Uncertainty in Patient-Specific Whole-Heart Modelling; further information can be found by following the link. This workshop has been made possible by generous support from the King's College London – Freie Universität Berlin Funding Programme for Joint Research Workshops.Published on Friday 26 May 2017 at 17:00 UTC #event #fu-berlin #niederer

Stochastik I at FU Berlin
This semester, Winter Semester 2016–2017, I will be teaching the third-semester course Stochastik I for mathematics bachelors' degree students at the Free University of Berlin. Exercise sheets, announcements, etc. for this course will all be posted on this page, as well as on the official FU Berlin webpages such as KVV.
Published on Monday 17 October 2016 at 08:00 UTC #stochastik-1 #fu-berlin

Opening for Postdoctoral Researcher
There is an opening in my research group for a postdoctoral researcher in Uncertainty Quantification. Strong candidates with backgrounds in mathematics, statistics, or computational science are encouraged to apply. For details see:
- FU Berlin Stellenanzeiger (German, search for “012016-UQ”), or
- jobs.ac.uk (English).
Review of applications will begin on 11 January 2016 and will continue until the post is filled.
Published on Monday 21 December 2015 at 12:00 UTC #group #job #prob-num #fu-berlin