
Workshop on Visualisation and Uncertainty in Cardiac Modelling
Next week, Steven Niederer (King's College London) and I will host a two-day workshop at the Zuse Institute Berlin on Visualisation and Uncertainty in Patient-Specific Whole-Heart Modelling; further information can be found by following the link. This workshop has been made possible by generous support from the King's College London – Freie Universität Berlin Funding Programme for Joint Research Workshops.Published on Friday 26 May 2017 at 17:00 UTC #event #fu-berlin #niederer
UQ Talks: Steven Niederer
This week Steven Niederer (King's College London) will talk about “Linking physiology and cardiology through mathematical models”
Time and Place. Thursday 28 April 2016, 11:00–12:00, Room 4027 of the Zuse Institute Berlin, Takustraße 7, 14195 Berlin
Abstract. Much effort has gone into the analysis of cardiac function using mathematical and computational models. To fully realise the potential of these studies requires the translation of these models into clinical applications to aid in diagnosis and clinical planning.
To achieve this goal requires the integration of multiple disparate clinical data sets into a common modelling framework. To this end we have developed a coupled electro-mechanics model of the human heart. This model combines patient specific anatomical geometry, active contraction, electrophysiology, tissue heterogeneities and boundary conditions fitted to comprehensive imaging and catheter clinical measurements.
This multi-scale computational model allows us to link sub cellular mechanisms to whole organ function. This provides a novel tool to determine the mechanisms that underpin treatment out comes and offers the ability to determine hidden variables that provide new metrics of cardiac function. Specifically we report on the application of these methods in patients receiving cardiac resynchronisation therapy and ablation for atrial fibrillation.
Published on Sunday 24 April 2016 at 07:00 UTC #event #uq-talk #niederer