
Testing whether a learning procedure is calibrated in JMLR
The article “Testing whether a learning procedure is calibrated” by Jon Cockayne, Matthew Graham, Chris Oates, Onur Teymur, and myself has just appeared in its final form in the Journal of Machine Learning Research. This article is part of our research on the theoretical foundations of probabilistic numerics and uncertainty quantification, as we seek to explore what it means for the uncertainty associated to a computational result to be “well calibrated”.
J. Cockayne, M. M. Graham, C. J. Oates, T. J. Sullivan, and O. Teymur. “Testing whether a learning procedure is calibrated.” Journal of Machine Learning Research 23(203):1–36, 2022.
Abstract. A learning procedure takes as input a dataset and performs inference for the parameters \(\theta\) of a model that is assumed to have given rise to the dataset. Here we consider learning procedures whose output is a probability distribution, representing uncertainty about \(\theta\) after seeing the dataset. Bayesian inference is a prime example of such a procedure, but one can also construct other learning procedures that return distributional output. This paper studies conditions for a learning procedure to be considered calibrated, in the sense that the true data-generating parameters are plausible as samples from its distributional output. A learning procedure whose inferences and predictions are systematically over- or under-confident will fail to be calibrated. On the other hand, a learning procedure that is calibrated need not be statistically efficient. A hypothesis-testing framework is developed in order to assess, using simulation, whether a learning procedure is calibrated. Several vignettes are presented to illustrate different aspects of the framework.
Published on Friday 5 August 2022 at 14:50 UTC #publication #prob-num #cockayne #graham #oates #teymur

Implicit Probabilistic Integrators in NeurIPS
The paper “Implicit probabilistic integrators for ODEs” by Onur Teymur, Han Cheng Lie, Ben Calderhead and myself has now appeared in Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 31 (NeurIPS 2018). This paper forms part of an expanding body of work that provides mathematical convergence analysis of probabilistic solvers for initial value problems, in this case implicit methods such as (probabilistic versions of) the multistep Adams–Moulton method.
O. Teymur, H. C. Lie, T. J. Sullivan, and B. Calderhead. “Implicit probabilistic integrators for ODEs” in Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 31 (NIPS 2018), ed. S. Bengio, H. Wallach, H. Larochelle, K. Grauman, N. Cesa-Bianchi, and R. Garnett. 7244–7253, 2018.
Abstract. We introduce a family of implicit probabilistic integrators for initial value problems (IVPs), taking as a starting point the multistep Adams–Moulton method. The implicit construction allows for dynamic feedback from the forthcoming time-step, in contrast to previous probabilistic integrators, all of which are based on explicit methods. We begin with a concise survey of the rapidly-expanding field of probabilistic ODE solvers. We then introduce our method, which builds on and adapts the work of Conrad et al. (2016) and Teymur et al. (2016), and provide a rigorous proof of its well-definedness and convergence. We discuss the problem of the calibration of such integrators and suggest one approach. We give an illustrative example highlighting the effect of the use of probabilistic integrators — including our new method — in the setting of parameter inference within an inverse problem.
Published on Thursday 13 December 2018 at 12:00 UTC #publication #nips #neurips #prob-num #lie #teymur #calderhead